Why Weight Loss Programs Never Seem to Work

exercise is good for mental health

Why Weight Loss Programs Never Seem to Work Weight loss can be an excellent goal, but there are so many misconceptions on how to lose weight that it can become very difficult to know if you are doing the right thing. For that reason I am providing common mistakes people make when trying to lose weight. Weight Loss Mistake 1: Not Strength Training Strength training is crucial to any weight-loss program. The obvious benefit is that it causes you to...

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Youth Training: Choosing The Right Coach

Youth Training FAST Program

How to Choose the Right Private Coach for Your Youth Athlete With the rising popularity of private training, there are more training options than ever before. This is especially the case with youth training and coaching. Hiring a coach is an important decision for you as a parent. The purpose of this article is to speak to the parents of youth athletes 10-18, which is the age when I believe strength and conditioning can have its biggest impact, not only...

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Achieve A Winning Mindset

personal trainers

How To Achieve A Winning Mindset: What is this mindset, and how do you get it? How and why do some have it, and some lack it? Lets take a look at how to achieve a winning mindset. Mental Toughness Is Something You Learn Typically people who have it go through something in their life that is a hurdle to what they want so bad where they learn the ability to never give up. Don't accept the place you are...

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Train Properly During Your Workouts

in home personal trainer

Is Training The Wrong Way Worse Than No Training At All When you were a kid, someone somewhere along the way told you to sit up straight. No doubt it was irritating but if you’re one of the 130 million Americans who spend most of their jobs sitting in an office chair, you’re probably starting to realize why “bad posture” is so bad. We’re not going to rail on bad posture because we’d be preaching to the choir. In fact, you’re...

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Everyone Has The “Ability”


Everyone Has The "Ability" Ability is defined as the possession of skill or the ability to do something. Everyone has different abilities. Everyone has the ability to succeed at achieving goals that they work hard at towards achieving. Some choose to work more diligently at achieving those goals than other people do. And, some of those goals take priority over other goals. So sticking with the word "Ability" you have the ability to bend, twist, squat and move around better...

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Over-complicated ‘Core Training’ Is Making Athletes Worse

Core Training

Over-complicated 'Core Training' Is Making Athletes Worse With the rise of social media and the increasing use of the term "functional," and "core training" - those terms meanings are now broader than ever. Search Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube and you'll find literally thousands of different moves being termed as core exercises. With so many options at your disposal, it's easy to get overwhelmed. Especially since everyone online is an expert, and everything online is also true, right?(Sarcasm). Keep in...

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Not Getting Faster? Your ‘Speed Training’ May Be Conditioning Training

Speed Training

Not Getting Faster? Your 'Speed Training' Might Actually Be Conditioning Training Well, if this is the case and your speed training workouts are actually conditioning workouts all I can say for you is that you are doing it wrong. A typical "speed workout" I do myself or take an athlete through requires a lot of rest to allow he/she/them to be able to max out at or above 95% (sprint at full speed) for each of the reps. Unfortunately, at...

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Body Weight Exercises

Body Weight Exercises

Body Weight Exercises & Body Weight Workouts I love to train with my own body weight. Body weight workouts and body weight exercises are great on their own or mixed in with others. There are just so many ways to progress exercises without even worrying about external weights. I understand that not everyone feels that way. Many people love lifting weights, whether free weights or on machines and I totally get it! But as someone who coaches people day in and...

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More Evidence Exercise Is Good For Your Mood

exercise is good for mental health

More Evidence Exercise Is Good For Your Mood Those of us who exercise or workout on a regular basis already know this and dont need a study to tell us that exercise is good for our mood. However, another study suggests that people who exercise regularly may experience symptoms of mental health disorders less often. To that I say "no kidding" but if you need some evidence, here it is. Read on! Here Are The Facts The study at The Lancet Psychiatry...

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How Much HIIT Is Enough?


Is 30 Minutes Of High - Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Once a Week Really Enough? My answer is: YES, if you are working out several times a week, doing HIIT one of those times is a good thing. Is once a week enough? In my opinion, the answer is again YES. Doing HIIT more than once a week regularly is actually unnecessary, in my opinion. One should not need to perform regular HIIT to achieve the benefits. What Is HIIT?...

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