More Evidence Exercise Is Good For Your Mood

exercise is good for mental health

More Evidence Exercise Is Good For Your Mood Those of us who exercise or workout on a regular basis already know this and dont need a study to tell us that exercise is good for our mood. However, another study suggests that people who exercise regularly may experience symptoms of mental health disorders less often. To that I say "no kidding" but if you need some evidence, here it is. Read on! Here Are The Facts The study at The Lancet Psychiatry...

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How Much HIIT Is Enough?


Is 30 Minutes Of High - Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Once a Week Really Enough? My answer is: YES, if you are working out several times a week, doing HIIT one of those times is a good thing. Is once a week enough? In my opinion, the answer is again YES. Doing HIIT more than once a week regularly is actually unnecessary, in my opinion. One should not need to perform regular HIIT to achieve the benefits. What Is HIIT?...

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