Does Sweating During a Workout Mean You Burn More Calories?


Does Sweating During a Workout Mean You Burn More Calories? If you don’t work up a sweat exercising, then you haven’t been going hard enough, right? Wrong. Well, possibly wrong. When it comes to exercise, there’s nothing quite as satisfying as a dripping forehead. But does a sweat-soak shirt equal a better workout? SWEAT SCIENCE As your muscles generate heat during your workout, and your body temperature rises, your body triggers a cooling process - sweating. Our sweat glands are...

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Change Your Workout Routine

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Here Are 4 Reasons to Change Your Workout Routine ! Do you find yourself running the same route, going to the same yoga class, or stepping onto the same treadmill while at the gym? If this is you, Change Your Workout Routine! When it comes to our fitness routines, most of us are creatures of habit, I know I am at times. We find something that we like, so we stick to it. During exercise, you’re putting stress on your...

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Do Not Fear Carbohydrates! – Fitness Tip & Trick # 2

Do Not Fear Carbohydrates! - Fitness Tip & Trick #2 Possibly fear eating too many of the starchy kind of carbohydrates, but that could be said for anything!  Eating too many carbs beyond your body's needs causes your body to store them as fat.  Storing food as Fat is a concept goes back thousands of years so nothing you do about it is going to change that.  Our ancestors needed to store food because they were hunters and gatherers.  Nowadays we...

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