Everyone Has The “Ability”


Everyone Has The "Ability" Ability is defined as the possession of skill or the ability to do something. Everyone has different abilities. Everyone has the ability to succeed at achieving goals that they work hard at towards achieving. Some choose to work more diligently at achieving those goals than other people do. And, some of those goals take priority over other goals. So sticking with the word "Ability" you have the ability to bend, twist, squat and move around better...

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Is Yoga Really Exercise?

Yoga Move

Is Yoga Really Exercise? I get asked this a lot. Usually by someone who doesn't do yoga, or someone who doesn't care for it. Those who love it will tell you all the benefits. They will also be excited to share them with you. So what is the answer? Studies Show Yoga Is Good For You The trend toward high intensity workouts has reinforced the notion held by some that it doesn't really count as exercise because most of its...

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Focus On Your Sleep – Fitness Trick & Tip #1

Focus on your sleep - Fitness Trick & Tip #1 It seems like a simple "no brainer" but let me tell ya, this is way more complicated that it seems.  Why is it so dang hard to just get a good amount of sleep each night?  And, If I knew the answer to that I would be a billionaire! Everyone is a little different. Some need 8 hours, some only 6 hours.  I need about 6 to 6.5 hours regularly....

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