Start The Morning Workout Routine
Start Small
Start with just 30 minutes. Don’t jump right in with a 90-minute early morning workout. It’s easy to wake up a half hour earlier and go out and do something basic like running, push-ups, and sit-ups and then get ready for work. You can always make your workouts longer down the road, but start with something you can be consistent with.
Prep the Night Before
If you’re going to need something in the morning, get it ready to go before going to bed. That includes gym clothes, toiletries, and work clothes. You can even sleep in your gym clothes if you want to. Pack your breakfast and lunch if you take those with you to work. Getting ready the night before will save you lots of time the next morning, it will save you some stress, and help keep you on track.
Get Enough Sleep
How you feel when you wake up in the morning is largely based on how you slept. Set a time for yourself to go to bed and start to shut down an hour before then. Dim the lights, turn off the electronics, and lower the temperature of your home. All of this will help you feel calmer and more sleepy so you get quality rest and recovery time. And when the alarm goes off in the morning, you won’t be dragging.
Don’t Hit Snooze
Set your alarm as far away from your bed as you can — but close enough that you can still hear the alarm. As soon as you get up, hit the light switch. You need to stimulate your body, so turn on lights or even music — anything that tells yourself it’s time to go!
Don’t Get Distracted
It’s easy to glance at your phone to turn your alarm off, check some emails, start responding, and before you know it, you’re scrolling through Facebook instead of working out.
Not everyone likes to exercise with food in their stomach, so don’t force yourself to eat before your workout. Some people get low blood sugar and need food, but others do better without eating. If you do eat, something like nuts or a smoothie are good options.
Pick the Right Tunes
On your way to the gym, hit play on something that’ll pump you up and get your brain working.
Stick With It
It won’t be long before you are liking your morning workout routine. If you can get all those systems in place that make it easier to work out in the morning, you’ll get the routine down and you’re going to want to do it. That’s the beauty of working out first thing.
Wrapping It Up
Now that you are up early and working out, give us a call and we will help you create a proper program! Or, If you are having a difficult time getting up in the morning frequently book a training session with us and we will go right to your home and ring the doorbell! That will definitely wake you up!
Contact us at www.LakeCountryTraining.com