Start Your Day With Water – Fitness Tip & Trick #3

Stay Hydrated

Start Your Day With Water! Get more water in your body!  What's the easiest way to make that happen?  Be sure the first thing you do when you wake up is Drink a big glass! The male human body is about 50% to 65% water while the female body is about 45% to 60%and muscles contain about 75%.  Get more of it into your body and it will thank you! Here are just a few benefits of drinking water and being properly...

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Do Not Fear Carbohydrates! – Fitness Tip & Trick # 2

Do Not Fear Carbohydrates! - Fitness Tip & Trick #2 Possibly fear eating too many of the starchy kind of carbohydrates, but that could be said for anything!  Eating too many carbs beyond your body's needs causes your body to store them as fat.  Storing food as Fat is a concept goes back thousands of years so nothing you do about it is going to change that.  Our ancestors needed to store food because they were hunters and gatherers.  Nowadays we...

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Focus On Your Sleep – Fitness Trick & Tip #1

Focus on your sleep - Fitness Trick & Tip #1 It seems like a simple "no brainer" but let me tell ya, this is way more complicated that it seems.  Why is it so dang hard to just get a good amount of sleep each night?  And, If I knew the answer to that I would be a billionaire! Everyone is a little different. Some need 8 hours, some only 6 hours.  I need about 6 to 6.5 hours regularly....

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Got Aches & Pains?

Get Started Now

Got Aches & Pains?  Help Yourself - Move Around, Even If You Don't Want To. Are you currently or have you ever been sore, stiff, tight, inflamed, aches & pains? Do you know someone who suffers from a chronic inflammatory disease? Here is something near and dear to many of us, and unfortunately its common to forget about this little nugget of knowledge.  Move!!  Even if its difficult to because of Aches & Pains. As difficult as it is sometimes, the...

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Importance of Stretching

Have Success, Plan Your Workouts

Importance of Stretching Without re-inventing the wheel, I thought I would share something that many of us do not spend enough time doing...STRETCHING! No, it wont burn a bunch of calories, or build a bunch of muscle directly.  It doesn't taste good - or bad for that matter.  However, because you will feel good, reduce your risk of injury, and help your body recover it will help you to continue to burn those calories, build that muscle, and help you to keep...

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Are You Lost?

How to HIIT

Are You Lost? Are you looking for something? You might need a personal trainer. Are you looking for a way to lose weight? Lose Fat? Get in better shape? Feel Better? All of the above? If you are lost, try not to find the answers to your questions online. The reality is you are just going to be more confused than you already were by the time you get finished trying to do any "research" and using the word "research" gives...

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Change Your Life One Step At A Time

in home personal trainer

Change Your Life One Step At A Time Lake Country Training's Matthew Meyer Interview about how to achieve success with your health goals by changing your life one step at a time. Change your life one step at a time.   Start small when working toward bigger goals By Christopher Bennett Special to The Freeman DELAFIELD — If you want to tackle a big goal, like living healthier, it is best to think and start small. Every December, as the calendar...

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Organic Foods or Not Organic Foods?

Lake Country Training

Organic Foods or Not Organic Foods? The choice isn't always that easy!  Whether you eat organic foods or not is up to you, and there are some definite reasons to try to eat organic foods instead of those that are not. I try to, but am definitely still in the beginning process and certainly don't judge someone on whether they do or don't eat organic. Lets face it, with today's world not eating convenience foods or junk foods is difficult. Check...

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