Core Training

Core Training

Core Training Since you are not living under a rock, you have heard the terms “core” and “core training” and, you even know the importance of core strength as well as training your core. Buzzwords “core” and “core training” get thrown around more than they should. There is a lot of variation in what most people mean when they use those buzzwords. Unfortunately, there are lots of variations on how to properly train your “core” as well. Questions You Might...

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In Home Personal Training – A Great Fit For You

in home personal trainer

Why is In Home Personal Training Just What You Need? Personal Training, especially In home personal training is a luxury, I will totally agree with anyone who says that. However, having a personal trainer, and especially in home personal training is more practical than you think! In home personal training sessions offer a myriad of benefits if you have a highly qualified fitness professional, which I just happen to be! Some of the benefits to hiring a personal trainer for...

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Nutrition Nightmare: Starbucks Seasonal Drinks

Lake Country Training

Nutrition Nightmare: Starbucks Seasonal Drinks Black coffee is a relatively healthy, energizing beverage. It enhances memory, improves athletic performance, and helps you get going in the morning or through a sluggish part of your day. Black coffee (or coffee with just a dash of cream and/or sugar) can give you a boost, but not all coffee drinks are created equal. Check out the Starbucks Seasonal Drinks - THEY ARE A NUTRITION NIGHTMARE! Though we are going to focus on the...

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Family Workouts For Fun!!

Lake Country Training

Family Workouts For Fun - 1000 Rep Plate Challenge Lets face it, working out can be a chore from time to time. However, it doesn't  have to be, and when it is a chore that should signal you need a change!! We have been doing some family workouts for fun lately and I did this 1000 Rep Plate Challenge the other day with my son! It was lots of fun - he is 9 and loves working out with dad...

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Brutal Honesty About Results From Your Workouts

Brutal Honesty About Results From Your Workouts, or Why You Are Not Seeing Results. I have some tough love for you today. It's about your workouts, and their results. Can we speak honestly? You go to the gym several times a week, sometimes twice in one day, you attend classes, you get your sweat on, and yet something is missing. You aren't as fit as you should be, something isn't working the way you think it should. Is it really...

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Change Your Workout Routine

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Here Are 4 Reasons to Change Your Workout Routine ! Do you find yourself running the same route, going to the same yoga class, or stepping onto the same treadmill while at the gym? If this is you, Change Your Workout Routine! When it comes to our fitness routines, most of us are creatures of habit, I know I am at times. We find something that we like, so we stick to it. During exercise, you’re putting stress on your...

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Dont Compare Yourself to Others – Fitness Trick & Tip #10

Core Training

Dont Compare Yourself to Others - Fitness Trick & Tip #10 This seems so easy, right?  Dont Compare Yourself to Others, why do so many of us do this?  Whether you are just starting out or you're an experienced pro when it comes to working out and fitness, its very easy to give in to the temptation to see how you match up to others.  Its always going to be there and its almost always going to be frustrating!  No...

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Which Workout Is Best For You?

exercise is good for mental health

Which Workout Is Best For You? Do you lift weights or do strength training? Why are your workouts set up the way they are? Do you follow a program?  If so, from where?  A magazine?  Website? Do you have a trainer, or workout partner? If you are over 30 please don't tell me you still workout the same way you did in high school or college. How Should You Be Working Out Then?  There are many non-perfect answers to that...

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Are You Lost?

How to HIIT

Are You Lost? Are you looking for something? You might need a personal trainer. Are you looking for a way to lose weight? Lose Fat? Get in better shape? Feel Better? All of the above? If you are lost, try not to find the answers to your questions online. The reality is you are just going to be more confused than you already were by the time you get finished trying to do any "research" and using the word "research" gives...

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